
Monday, November 12, 2007

Luxury Car Leasing - Make Your Dream Come True

What To Consider When Looking For Luxury Car Leasing
A cardinal 'sin' that many people make, not only in the automotive industry but with regard to contracts and deals in general, is not to read the fine print that is always a part of a contract. So the first thing you should do is to read this fine print. You should sit down and read the entire car leasing contract very carefully and if you have any questions about what you read, write them down and ask - don't hesitate to ask if you have questions. Make things clear upfront. Here is an example; in the car leasing industry every leased vehicle comes with its' own insurance. Did you know that? It is impossible to separate leasing and insurance. Just so that you know, many leasing companies make their main profit from the insurance.
Terry Bolton is and internet publisher of automotive stuff. Read his useful and popular articles about purchasing cheap used cars online and how to find cheap used car loans
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